Centrally located between major cities
Properties for rent, lease, or sale
In Pendleton, businesses of all sizes can find properties that exceed their needs. One of our goals is to provide investors, site selectors, and business professionals with the best chance of success.
Click the button below to find a location ready for success.
Facts About Pendleton
Population of 16,841 (2021)
Median age of 36.9
Median household income of $61,632
Median property value of $172,100
Employed population of 9,757
Fastest fiber and internet in Oregon
Level 3 communications has booster station located near airport for users of 2.4 Gigs+
Fiber Optic OC3 (available to all sites)
Wtechlink-redundant gigabit Internet connection to Portland
Annual high temperature of 63ºF
Annual low temperature of 41ºF
Average annual precip. of 12.66 in.
Average annual snowfall of 15 in.
Early Learning Center
Three Elementary Schools
1 Junior High, 1 High School
Community College - 7,500 students

Housing Developers, Business Professionals, and Site Selectors
Pendleton has a long-standing reputation for providing support and success for businesses of all sizes. Combining our temperate climate and welcoming business environment, our location makes the city of Pendleton the perfect place to launch, expand, or relocate your business. Download our info-sheet to learn more about how Pendleton Has Reinvented Rural.
Generous Incentives and more
Various financial incentives are being offered, including enterprise zone tax abatements and reduced or waived permits and fees. These incentives are available to companies considering business expansion, relocation, or new business start-ups. Oregon Direct Business Incentives also offer a variety of incentive programs or abatements. The State of Oregon has no sales tax.
Standard Tax Zone Abatement
Qualified firms can obtain a 3-5 year, 100% property tax exemption and a waiver or reduction in the numerous permits and fees. Only new facilities and improvements not yet on the tax rolls are eligible for tax exemptions. All projects must take place within the Pendleton Enterprise Zone boundary zone. In order to qualify, both the business and the property must be eligible.
State of Oregon Finance Programs
Oregon Business Development Fund
Oregon Capital Access Program
Oregon Credit Enhancement Fund
Oregon Industrial Development Bonds
Entrepreneurial Development Loan Fund
Business Retention Program
Brownfields Redevelopment Fund
Oregon New Market Tax Credit
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy ("CPACE")​
Qualified commercial properties can obtain long-term financing for certain qualified improvements pertaining to energy, water, renewable, and seismic improvements.
Learn More: CPACE Guidebook
The State of Oregon may also offer financial assistance for employee training through Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton.

Key industries
The Round-Up isn't the only world-famous thing in Pendleton. You'll have to look long and hard to find a town of similar size that produces as many world-renowned products as we do. Pendleton has a competitive advantage in many key industries, including but not limited to:
Aviation and UAS
Warehousing and Distribution
Tourism and Entertainment
Agriculture and Food Processing
High-Tech and Bio-Tech
Medical Testing